Wednesday, 30 November 2011

May 2010 @ Ipswich Locksmiths Neighbourhood Locks

May, so far, has seen a larger than usual proportion of 'Lockouts', due to either failed locks, or 'lost key scenarios'.

Regarding the failed locks, we are seeing more of these failures that are only a few years old. With locks available now in 'pound shops', to some, these may appear to be an appealing option, though the low cost has to be weighed up against how much you value your home's security, and the likelyhood of failure of the lock, which often results in the owner being locked out. Many of these are not even 'Insurance approved', meaning that in the event of a 'Break-in', your Insurers will pay you nothing. At Ipswich Locksmiths Neighbourhood Locks, we only fit Insurance rated Locks. Even the well-known brands of lock vary in terms of operation, though most are reliable. With locks, you definitely get what you pay for, and in our opinion nothing matches the genuine Chubb Locks, for reliability and smoothness of operation. They are also very dificult to pick-open, so go a good way towards securing your door. All this comes at a premium though, as Chubb Locks are at the upper end of the price scale. As well as Chubb Locks, we also fit those made by Union, Securefast and Era, and have something to fit all budgets.

Neighbourhood Locks has a policy of continually advancing our knowledge and skill, through Training, of all aspects of Locksmithing, in order to remain at the top of the Profession, which is continually advancing as new technologies become available. With this in mind, we recently attended a Training Session in London about 'Key Impressioning'. (This is the second one we have attended). 'Impressioning' is the highly useful, but dying skill, of taking a blank key, putting it in the lock, removing it, and looking for any marks left, and then filing these 'impression marks' away until you have a working key. It is a skill that is generally considered to be too difficult to master unless you are really dedicated and to spend many hours practicing. It has many potential uses, such as making up keys for old 'Church locks', or for furniture locks, antique cabinets etc. The Training Workshop was given by 'Impressioning' Legends Oliver Diederichsen (who wrote the book 'Impressioning') and Jos Weyers who holds the current World Record for Impressioning a Key at just 87 seconds. The day was very informative, with all aspects of the theory of Impressioning covered, and the equipment necessary to carry it out successfully. Jos and Oli were on hand the whole day, giving demonstrations, and offering advice. The Locksmiths who attended, had a go at Impressioning, with some opening locks successfully, including ourselves. It is a skill that takes much practice, but very worthwhile, and as Oli has said 'it is the most interesting way of opening a lock'.

If you have any concerns about any aspects of security, please give Neighbourhood Locks the Ipswich Locksmiths a call, on 01473 622461. Until next time, Stay safe!

1 comment:

  1. I have been locked in my home many times and in such situations, Locksmith Brisbane Northside I always recommend hiring Emergency Locksmiths. As they instantly come there for customer assistance and provide customer with the best solution to the problem.
